The wellness experts at True Life Wellness are passionate about your health. They’ll help you achieve a more fulfilling life through the true principles of a wellness lifestyle. Located at the junction of Waukee, Clive and West Des Moines, just north of Des Moines Golf & Country Club, the True Life Wellness team offers you an unmatched combination of skill and expertise that spans the entire wellness spectrum.

Our patients benefit from a personally tailored wellness program that targets their specific needs—using the least invasive, yet highly-effective, modern chiropractic technology and techniques. Your low back pain, neck pain, headaches, ear infections and other life-limiting symptoms can be eliminated through chiropractic care.

Take the time to meet Dr. Tyler Molstre, his team and our wellness network. They are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but will interest his patient’s in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

– Thomas Edison

Contact us today to schedule your appointment!